Ol’ Doogle strikes again.

Here’s a shot from the latest issue of Focus.

Jimmy McDonald: ollie up, gap to back tail.
Philadelphia, Spring 2010.
Jimmy McDonald: ollie up, gap to back tail.

Hasselblad 2003fcw, 30mm lens.
Kodak E100VS.

1x Lumedyne camera right.
1x Lumedyne camera left, with 1x SB800 below.


~ by zandert on November 19, 2010.

One Response to “Ol’ Doogle strikes again.”

  1. Awesome photo! Congrats!
    I just wonder where exactely you placed the flashes, because on both sides there is no shadow of the skater on the wall?
    Where the strobes and the skater in a straight line, so that the shadows fall outside of the frame?
    Anyways, do you notice any (quality) differences between your shots taken with the hasselblad and those taken with the bronica,…just wondering…
    Thank you!
    Keep up the good work!

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